
December 30-31, 2018
001 - 123018_730PM collage December 30, 2018 Sunday - dusk arrival at Marrakech for our tour day 6 evening itinerary ~ Souk, Fantasie Chez Ali Show and Dinner 馬拉喀什 (市集、北非特色晚宴及表演)
002 - P1160356 Marrakesh, also known by the French spelling Marrakech, the first of the four imperial cities albeit the fourth largest city in the Kingdom of Morocco after...
003 - IMG_2465 ... located to the north of the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains, Marrakesh is situated 203 miles southwest of Rabat, 149 miles south of...
004 - IMG_2457 Marrakech marches to its own beat; the former imperial capital is said to be as manic as Mardi Gras and as hip as Hollywood...
005 - IMG_2462 ... all streets eventually lead to the legendary plaza, a psychedelic space where acrobats, snake charmers, fortune-tellers and Berber musicians compete for...
006 - IMG_2472 ... with the pandemonium peaking at sunset - wailing call to prayer clashes with the cacophony below and the entire population of Marrakech seems to gravitate...
007 - P1160349 ... as the last traces of tangerine and crimson drain from the sky, dozens of food stalls appear as if by magic...
008 - IMG_2466 Jemaa el-Fnaa, aka Jemaa el-Fna, Djema el-Fna or Djemaa el-Fnaa, a square and market place in Marrakesh's medina quarter (old city); the main square of...
009 - P1160342 12/30/18 7:28pm - stalls and restaurants on the main square of Djemaa El Fna...
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012 - IMG_2458 ... the hustle and bustle of the square...
013 - P1160353 ... the Jemaa el Fna square crowded with local Moroccan and tourists alike...
014 - P1160354 Jemaa el-Fna is the city’s top attraction and can be visited at all hours of the day
015 - IMG_2473 ... a junction point sitting in between the old historical medina and the new center of attraction; the square is said to be the first place to come across...
016 - IMG_2478 Jemaa el-Fnaa - the main square and the most important part of the medina, inhabitants and tourists gather here both during the day and night to have something...
017 - IMG_2480 ... quiet neighborhood not far away from the hustles and bustles of the extravaganza at the central marketplace Jamaa el-Fna square - it's 8:04pm, shall we go...
018 - P1160366 12/30/18 9:02pm - our late dinner at this Chez Ali Restaurant
019 - P1160368 ... dare to get in - cobra already opened its mouth...
020 - P1160370 ... the restaurant said to be the place of 1001 nights with Moroccan hospitality offering guests a sumptuous dinner and a memorable show in Berber tents; belly...